"Someday, many years from now
We'll sit beside the candles glow
Exchanging tales about our past
And laughing as the memories flow
And when that distant day arrives
I know it will be understood
That friendship is the key to live
And we were friends and it was good."
-Eileen Hehl
This week has been filled with friends of all types--old friends, new friends, family friends, family that are friends, french friends, german friends, friends in need, and friends willing to lend an ear. While I still miss everyone back in the US, the people and the things here are starting to feel a lot like home now too.
On Tuesday I started my lecture classes. I'm taking three lectures, each is 2 hours one day a week. We were all pretty eager to start them because they seemed like they would be interesting. So we thought. While neither the art history lecture nor the literature lecture was particularly interesting, I could at least sit through them and focus on the French for at least a good chunk of the time. The Paris lecture however, was something close to torture. Absolutely terrible. Two hours of monotone French over whatever subject he felt like exploring at the time.

So after an incredibly boring day of classes, Carolin, Gabi and I decided that we were just going to have to cave and go out on a Wednesday. We met up with a friend of Carolin's and some of his friends. It was an odd mix of French, German, and English, but we ended up having a great, great night. And only 3.50 for a pint! So far, that's the best deal we've been able to find.
Thursday, Erick (a family friend who lives in Paris) and I were finally able to connect for lunch. We had a good meal, and good conversation, plus I managed to leave with one more umbrella than what I came with.
Today I wandered a lot (much to the dismay of my shins I might add). When I left the Crous to get on the RER to go home it was grey, windy, raining. Basically Parisian weather at it's finest. And when I came out of the metro a mere 15 minutes later...clear skies, beautiful weather. Since this has been happening frequently as of late (it's usually the other way around, I go into the metro and it's nice out, but when I come out it's terrible), and I've found that Parisian weather can be very temperamental, I decided to make the most of the sunshine while it was here. So I walked, and walked, and walked some more. I walked for almost 3 hours until my feet just couldn't take it anymore. But that's what I love so much about Paris. I can just walk out my door and be in a different world in a matter of ten minutes.
But the thing I'm finding is, as great as Paris is...it's nothing if you don't have people to share it with. Yes, solitude is both appreciated and necessary at times. But half the fun of exploring today, was telling people about it later, having them share in the excitement, comparing experiences. People are the reason I loved my life in Spain, they're the reason I love my life in Cincinnati, the reason I love my life in Columbus. The same holds true for here. Paris is amazing, because I have great people to share it with, both here and at home. And that, is really all you need.
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