Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Beginning!

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" Lao-Tzu

So I am on the plane headed for Paris. I just woke up from a very restless night's sleep (if you can even call it that). We're over top of land now, so I'm thinking that means that we're getting close. I am anxious anxious anxious!!! The goodbyes were a little more tearful than I had anticipated; it's just so strange that when I come back life as I know it at Ohio State will be completely different.

I can see the sunrise out my window now, and when I left Cincinnati the sun was setting. It is the fist day of a new life, and as I said before I am anxious! I'm anxious to meet my new roommate and anxious to meet this family that I'll be living with for the next 5 months. I'm anxious to see Paris, I'm so excited to wander that city. As difficult as it is to leave my old, comfortable life, and as much as sometimes I would love to stay with the people that I love so much, I know this is where I'm supposed to be right now. The first step is the most difficult one, but there's no turning back now.

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